A major mode for editing .m-files containing Matlab code. Matlab is proprietary software for numerical maths and data analysis. Also note that Emacs (21.3 onwards) comes with an alternative built in: octave mode. Octave is a free software alternative to Matlab.
MATLAB is not a CLI application on MS Windows. One needs a shell wrapper that would pipe emacs input into a Matlab and back. One can get that from ram/matlabShell/index.html . The only problem is that it does not allow multiline commands. This is crucial if one intends to use it with org-babel . There is a workaround available until better solution is found. Here it is explained how to set things up. However "" shall be replaced with '()
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this solution should work on all my various target machines and at least until I upgrade to matlab r2009a, which I believe uses hdf5-1.8. thanks for all the help, sorry for being so dense with this--I think I was overly-committed to using the packaged version of hdf5, rather than a local set of header files. 2ff7e9595c